Friday, October 31, 2014

Addy Growing Up!

Addy has been getting to be so much fun! Here are some of our adventures as Addy gets closer and closer to her 2nd birthday!
Playing catch with Dada...
But of course you have to have the right stance while playing catch...
Didn't mess with her skills though!
We inherited a nice bike trailer from some friends and have put it to good use! (even with me being pregnant) :) This was our first bike ride with the whole fam!
Yes, we went off-roading at Phil Hardburger Park!
Cam & Addy climbed some trees...
... very gracefully...
looked for bugs and ants under some rocks,
and even took some time to smell (or as Addy does, blow) the flowers!
Some of Addy's favorite past times include: 
getting right in the cleaning action,
playing hide and seek,
'helping' me do the dishes,
or basically anything that happens in the kitchen...
she knows to drag a chair over so she can see what's going on,
flossing, (she is an excellent dentist's kid) :)

feeding horsies at the park,
taking out the trash, (or any other excuse to go outside)
taking pictures with my camera,
helping Cam help me with one of my projects,
reading the Book of Mormon Stories and singing the song,
(she really did this all by herself...)
climbing trees and looking at bugs with Cam,
and enjoying being outside as often as she can!
What a fun time! I know there are more fun adventures we've had, but these give you a bit of an idea... :)

More Summer Fun!

Well, since we got home from Wyoming, Addy and I anxiously awaited the news that Jamie would have her baby! And she did, so we went and helped out for a while, then got to play with all the cousins and Gigi (aka Granny the Great) when she came down to help with Baby Legend!
Favored activity to entertain everyone: swimming!
One of Addy's fun tricks to do with Dada and give Mommy heart attacks!
Keep away with Gigi!
Cam's typical pose... kids hanging all over him, serious, it's hard to find a pic of him by himself!
Since we were at Jamie's house, Addy pretty much had free reign to go wherever she wanted... She had figured out how to open all of the doors, so one morning guess where we found her... looking so proud of herself...
After climbing up on the toilet, she scaled the sink and turned on the water...
And then sat in the sink to make sure she could get the maximum amount of playing in...
and even use Gigi's toothbrush! :)
To celebrate Gigi's birthday, we all drove down to have an afternoon of fun down at Port Aransas! :)
Sand, wonderful sand!
Addy getting one of her first wave-riding lessons... even though she was pretty stuck to the sand :)
After some fun in the sun, we sang Happy Birthday to Gigi before the frosting melted off the cupcakes!
Can you tell someone enjoyed the Cheetos and cupcakes! :)
Then it was back to fun in the sand!
Cam would bury their hands and then they would 'find' them.
Here's the latest of all the Critchfield grandkids!
Spike Ball was a big hit, even if it was just for a little while...

Nothing like sandy grapes to keep a little one happy!
Out in the waves trying to keep little heads above the waves :)
Gigi teaching Addy the tips and tricks of swimming on the beach!
Fun with the nieces
A great time at the beach! Poor Addy was a little chilled :)
We had two more days with Jared's family and Gigi, Sunday...
Addy helped make my sandwich before church... she knows I like lots of jelly :)
And we all enjoyed a good Sunday dinner!
...and no dinner is complete without a nice dessert, chocolate dipped bananas!
...and Monday morning!
Cam beat us all up in the morning... cause he had to go to class...
After a good book reading session,
 we headed out to the pool to wait for Cam to get back from school so we could eat lunch and everyone could head back to Austin. :) Fun times!

Just swimming and waiting for Cam to come join us!
Jumping in just takes your breath away!
What a fun time! :)

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

2014 Summer Trip Story: Part III -Wy time

We got in to WY safe and sound, then had a blast with Tilly (Addy's 1 day-older cousin) and the other Graham 'grand' kids (Toran, Mikayla, Leah & Levi). Well, plus all the Aunts, Uncles, Grandpa and Grandma and it was a good time! Where to start:
How about a picnic with Grandma and Tilly on Whit & Jenna's front lawn!
Nothing like popcorn and cereal on a sled in the middle of summer to appease hunger pangs!

I had a list of things that I needed to pack that some of my Texas friends saw and on it I had written 'mud clothes' along with 'warm clothes', 'swimming clothes', 'sleeping clothes', etc.... They were a little puzzled... but now I can show them why I wrote it!
We came in time for some good puddles from some afternoon rain storms!
There's nothing like cooling off in a nice puddle...
There's also not too much a washer can do to get all of the mud out, so when playing in mud puddles
be sure to wear 'mud clothes' (or when appropriate just a diaper) and have a grand ol' time!
While we were up in WY, Addy finally got the hang of jumping! I think it was the availability of a trampoline and jumping buddies that helped her learn and enjoy it!

Addy also learned about 'Ring around the Rosies' but even 1.5 year olds need a little break every now and then... :)
Then there were the 5 gallon buckets... Those were a hit! It's funny how the simplest things can be the most fun...
The closest we got to both of the girls looking at the camera at the same time!
Practicing Jack-in-the-Box!
It was so fun playing in the bucket, that when I went to pick Addy up out of it, she'd gotten hold of the handle
and instead of lifting her out, I lifted her and the bucket up... :) Little stinker :)
And there's nothing like having insta-friends who can get into all sorts of mischief with you...
like swinging on big-kid swings all by yourself...
...or daring them to eat a dandelion leaf cause you heard they're healthy...
...or slide along the irrigation pipe in the garden just because...
...or sit and eat in lawn chairs, sharing food and water, or course...
...or steal popcorn from Great-Grandma Jones...
...or watch Court and Paige brand calves out at the corral...
...or take turns going down the slide...
...or pose on their stolen tricycle...
...or get splashes of warm water with from the hot tub from Uncle Whit

It's all in a day's fun! Grandma made sure Addy made the most of her time up in Wyoming!
No trip is complete without at least one ride on Blue.
Or some fun singing in the rain...
Or cleaning duties... It's rough having to clean the steps in the rain! :)
Luckily there's always a warm towel waiting when cleaning duties are done!
While we were up in WY, Taubi and Paige put on a Utah State Volleyball camp for the Burlington and surrounding areas high school and junior high athletes. So Chels, Jenna and I were recruited to help wrangle the girls. :) It was a fun time and it was also fun to come home and see that Mikayla had helped Addy become quite the fashionista! :)
With a lovely lacy ruffle in back...
...tied around a wonderfully silky robe, but not too tightly that it covers the BYU swag. :)
Does this pic remind you of Mulan, headed to see the matchmaker?
We topped the trip off with a fun weekend up at the Wardell Reunion!
As per Daddy's instructions we lathered on the sunscreen!
Courtney and Paige made sure to get their shenanigans on...
Teaching Addy, "What does Sadie say? Wah, wah, wah"...
Addy had to get a few good swings in on Court's hammock before she would go to sleep in the tent.
Whitney's strict instructions really got her to go to sleep :)
We went 'fishing' in the little creek that runs by camp...
And then decided to get rocks out so we could throw them back in the water.
Which by the way is much colder than I remembered... :)
We even painted rocks to pass the time until lunch!
Mom helped Tilly and Addy through the races...
Maybe next year they'll understand the concept a little better :)
And we ended with a fun time swinging on the old equipment I remember playing on for hours!
What a fun time! My growing up in Wyoming sure left a mark on me, so I guess it's only fair that Addy left a few little marks up there to let them remember her by... :)
Chalking the pole in front of the house...
And making sure to get all sides of it!