Sunday, March 29, 2015

Bryant and my fun at home!

Well, since Cameron and Addy left us for almost a week, Bryant and I decided to make some fun of our own while they were gone! Granted, it may not have been as active as their fun, but it was still fun! For instance, how about Bryant's first 'bath'! He loved it!!!
It may have been a little squishy...
so he decided to stretch out! :)
 Bryant also was obviously thrilled to receive his first piece of mail...
 And aside from our outing to go trick-or-treating, we kept things pretty low-key. It was nice to just relax and heal and figure out my little guy! Plus that's when I got caught up on all of my blogging from before Bryant. :) You'd think I'd learn to just stay on top of it...

Friday, March 27, 2015

Cam & Addy's Trip! (part 2... Halloween!)

So, it just so happened that Halloween came and went while they were gone... Which was a little sad for me because I didn't get to see Addy trick-or-treat, but it turned out alright. Bryant and I went to a little party at the Walkers and he went trick-or-treating as my little M&M :)
I sent Addy up to Utah with a little ballerina costume! I think it turned out pretty doggone cute!

Kevin may or may not have stolen a few candies from Addy's treat tin... :)
Here they are with the whole crew!
I guess they also went to visit a pumpkin patch because the one we went to here was not all that inspiring.... The picts were pretty fun!
A nice little tractor,
a pumpkin dotted hay trail,
a sweet slide,
a festive bug,
one big oreo pig,
lots of corn,
...all make you feel like you're on top of the world!